
Death Takes the Wheel | 2016




Death Takes the Wheel
2016 Production of the NoneSuch Playmakers
Written and Directed by Brack Llewellyn


Performance Dates & Locations:

Lexington, NC
Visit the Childress Vineyards website @ childressvineyards.com
Click for directions | Call for reservations: 336.236.9463
Friday, December 2, 2016
Reception at 6:00 pm and dinner at 7:00 pm.
Cost is $79 per person and $69 per Wine Club member.

Saturday, December 3rd - Private performance, Elkin NC


The Plot:

At the annual holiday dinner of the Vintage Automobile Society of the East Central Triad and Organization of Motoring Enthusiasts, well known car collector Rigdon Fink makes the announcement that he will be giving away his multi-million dollar car collection to one of the members in attendance. However, before he can name the lucky recipient, Fink is found dead.... murdered at the hand of one of the attendees. This new who-done-it production will require the help of our audience to unravel the mystery as "Death Takes the Wheel!"

The Cast:

Angela Llewellyn....... Gerde Schwinghammer, Rigdon Fink's advance person; extremely German
Sarah Carpenter......... Gina Grandenetti, Carson's girlfriend, anger management counselor; extremely angry
Brian Greene.............. Rigdon "Ric" Fink, world-famous car collector, owns the only 1921 Krasna SR99 in existence; extremely dead
Evan Barnard............
Howard Horne, host of the dinner, president of VASECTOME; extremely unpleasant
Grant Perry.................. Benny Penzelnik ("Pencilneck"), the club treasurer; extremely nearsighted
B. J. Smith................... Nina Fogg-Horne, Howard's wife, vice-president of the club; extremely shrewish
Olivia Jessup.............. Serendipity Redman, Fink's much-younger fiance; extremely enigmatic
Brack Llewellyn......... Carson Wheeler, the club historian; extremely pompous

The Crew:

Todd Jessup.......... Sound

Special Thanks To:

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