
Tales of Suspense | 2008




Tales of Suspense
2008 Fall Production of the NoneSuch Playmakers

Performance Date & Location:

Chateau Morrisette
Visit the Chateau Morrisette website @ thedogs.com | Click for directions.
Call for reservations: 540.593.2865
Saturday, November 8, 2008: 6:30pm


The Plot:

Four One-Act Plays titled Heirs Apparent, The Older Sister, Which Witch For President, and Rock-a-Bye-Baby and a dance titled Dance Macabre

The Cast:

Heirs Apparent
Written and Directed by Brack Llewellyn

Heather Elliott.............Colleen
Rachel Miller...............Calista
Pam Parker..................Karen
Amanda Wilson..........Kimberly
Kevin Wilson...............Groundskeeper
Denise House...............Katherine/Corinne

The Older Sister
Adapted from a story by Lillian de la Torre | Directed by Angela Llewellyn

Jane Tucker...................Margaret the Maid
Jane Tesh.......................Nell Cut, a reporter
Denise House...............Emma Borden
Angela Llewellyn.........Lizzie Borden

Which Witch For President
Written by Jane Tesh | Directed by Joey Marion

Jane Tesh.......................Evilene
Pam Parker...................Josefiend

Joey D. Marion.............Shadow, Gilly's cat
Jane Tucker..................Scabine
Heather Elliott.............Gilly
Amanda Wilson...........Snitch, a goblin

Co-written by Angela and Brack Llewellyn | Directed by Angela Llewellyn

Heather Elliott
Jane Tucker
Kevin Wilson

Dance Macabre
Dance Coreographed & Directed by Joey D. Marion


Joey D. Marion
Amanda Wilson
Rachel Miller
Pam Parker
Angela Llewellyn
Heather Elliott

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