
Web of Fear | 2016




Web of Fear
2016 Fall Production of the NoneSuch Playmakers
Two plays streamed live on mixlr internet radio!
"The Once and Future Murders" & "The Return of Martin Heller"
Webcast produced by Brian Greene
Written & Directed by Brack Llewellyn

Sponsored in part by:

Between the Covers Bookshop
Reeves Theater, Elkin, NC
Interstate Sign Co. Inc.


Miss the show?
Listen to our performance
(streamed LIVE on October 8, 2016)
by clicking here!


 Download the performance as an .mp3 file here.

Performance Date & Location:

L.H. Jones Auditorium
Family Resource Center - Mount Airy, NC | Click for Directions
Saturday, October 8, 2016: 7:00pm
Streamed live over MIXLR internet radio with a live audience!
Tickets just $10 at the door for TWO plays!


The Once and Future Murders

The Plot:

First produced in 2007, "The Once and Future Murders" marks the first appearance (in our series of thrillers) by police detective/author Iris Ford. While investigating a missing millionaire, Iris and partner Michael Pierce encounter a series of bizarre characters and supernatural circumstances including witchcraft, murder and time travel! In Iris Ford's fantastic world, nothing is what it seems!

The Cast (Radio 2016):

Sarah Carpenter.............. Iris Ford, a police detective
David Nielsen..................

Michael Pierce, Iris’ partner

Grant Perry.......................

Amon, a servant

Jane Tesh..........................

Marjohlein Vanderkellen, the victim’s sister

Jonathan Jones.................

Milt Krasna, a reporter

Brian Greene....................

Daniel Cahill, police captain

Angela Llewellyn............

Cynthia Greene, a college history professor

And introducing:

Evan Barnard...................

Timothy Jansen, a descendant of the Tovenaars

The Crew:
Todd Jessup &
Brack Llewellyn.............
Sound Effects, Audio, Additional Voices
Brian Greene.................. Sound, Projector, Streaming & Chat Host

The Return of Martin Heller

The Plot:

A course of events leads to a seance performed by a famous medium in a mountaintop lodge in 1959 Massachusetts. Different members of the group are looking to contact people who have passed on, a grandfather, a husband, and Martin Heller, the former co-worker of one of the guests. Not long after gathering for the seance, the guests learn there are secrets to uncover. When the group assembles, great suspense and thrills and chills ensue. Remember, nobody dies forever.

The Cast (Radio 2016):

Grant Perry.......................

Ben Hilliard, Lillian Sage’s nephew

Olivia Jessup....................

Liz Hudson, Lillian’s Sage’s assistant

Jane Tucker......................

Lillian Sage, a medium

Todd Gerber....................

Glenn Connelly, an attorney

Billie Jo Smith.................

Judith Connelly, Glenn's wife

Gary Maxey......................

Henry Jennings, a former banker

Angela Llewellyn............

Helen Barnes, a war widow

Jane Tesh..........................

Constance Porter, a newspaper publisher

Returning after 13 years!

Chris Groner....................

Preston Thomas, a writer

And introducing:
Evan Barnard...................

Martin Heller, war hero

Abigail Carpenter...........

Alice Barnes, Helen's daughter

The Crew:

Todd Jessup &
Brack Llewellyn............
Sound Effects, Audio, Additional Voices
Brian Greene.................. Sound, Projector, Streaming & Chat Host

Special Thanks To:

The J.J. Jones Alumni for their generosity and cooperation
The Mount Airy News
The Elkin Tribune
Radio Station WSYD

25 Performance Photos!

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Check out our rehearsal photos here!



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